Using what you have learned about the 7Cs of effective communication and “Discovering Self”, plan and write a 100-word biodata. Be sure to have your blogging buddy evaluate and comment on the strengths and weaknesses of your biodata based on the criteria found on page 6 of the Skill Builders. Also, be sure to give constructive and detailed feedback to your buddy.
Name: Ang Peng Siang (Patrick)
Birthday: 9th Sept 1986
I had my education in Anglican High School and Temasek Junior College and I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics at the National University of Singapore (NUS). My active involvement in Co-Curriculum Activities developed much of my present character. I was an instructor in Outdoor Activities Club, a project servant in Singapore Youth for Christ and a member in the orientation committee of King Edward VII hall. I am currently in the executive committee in NUS's Varsity Christian Fellowship where there are immense opportunities to interact and engage my peers.
Warm, cheerful and confident would usually be the first impression I give others. I enjoy relating to people and I am able to allow people to be comfortable around me easily.

Birthday: 9th Sept 1986
I had my education in Anglican High School and Temasek Junior College and I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics at the National University of Singapore (NUS). My active involvement in Co-Curriculum Activities developed much of my present character. I was an instructor in Outdoor Activities Club, a project servant in Singapore Youth for Christ and a member in the orientation committee of King Edward VII hall. I am currently in the executive committee in NUS's Varsity Christian Fellowship where there are immense opportunities to interact and engage my peers.
Warm, cheerful and confident would usually be the first impression I give others. I enjoy relating to people and I am able to allow people to be comfortable around me easily.
Hi blogging buddy, I think your biodata is really well-written. You managed to cover your education history and showed your active side through your CCA involvements. You also brought across your friendliness and personal self. Bravo!! Anyway thanks for editing my biodata. You gave me a lot of useful feedback and pointers.
Hello Peng Siang! I didn't know we were both from AHS! Cheers man. haha. Your biodata was pretty well written as it covers your active involvements in the various organisations to highlight your versatility. Judging from the types of activities you participate in, one can tell that you are good at interactions with people and is also a motivator. I thought you could mention about what your goals are in life although I know that 100 words is indeed a little limiting. =)
Hey Peng Siang. Your biodata was well written, concise and concrete. It provided readers with your academic background as well as your involvement in various extra curricular activities. From your biodata, I could tell that you are an outgoing person who has good interpersonal skills. However, as Hui Min has mentioned, you can consider including your aspirations as well as your interests and hobbies. This will make your biodata more interesting and it will allow people to get to know you better. =)
Hi Peng Siang, I agree with the rest that your biodata is really well-written and organized. You included personal information like your birthday and blog, and went on to talk about your CCA acheivements, before ending off with a short describtion of your personality. In all, I would think that this biodata provides an employer with sufficient information, so good job here!
Hi Patrick! When talking about your present character, I think it would be good to further elaborate on it because most readers would not know who you are. I think "Extra Curriculum Activities" has been changed to call "Co-Curriculum Activities", if I am not wrong. I like the way you summarized your positions in various clubs. I know it's tough but I think you will need to make your post shorter in order to keep to the 100 word limit. A job well done nevertheless!
Hi Peng Siang, I think your biodata is pretty well written. You managed to cover everything from your education to your interest in just about 100 words. Amazing!By your personal traits, people will know that you are one who loves to interact and be around people.
Hi CG, thanks for pointing out the mistake with regards to CCA.
Hi Peng Siang, I think that your biodata is very well-written. You managed to bring across to your reader your education information, leadership involvement and personality traits. It has definitely allowed me to know you better. Given the limit of 100 words for this biodata task, the amount of information that you presented is definitely impressive. Well done!
Hi Peng Siang, well done! I think I should definitely read your biodata before I started to draft mine. It is a smart way to separate you school work and your personality into two paragraphs. This makes the whole biodata clear and coherent.
From your biodata, I can tell that you are an outgoing person with leadership quality. But you may want to talk about your academic interest and future career more.
To be able to write an informative yet concise biodata in 100 words is no mean feat and you managed to do it!
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