Friday, October 17, 2008

Biodata (Blog Post #6)

Using what you have learned about the 7Cs of effective communication and “Discovering Self”, plan and write a 100-word biodata. Be sure to have your blogging buddy evaluate and comment on the strengths and weaknesses of your biodata based on the criteria found on page 6 of the Skill Builders. Also, be sure to give constructive and detailed feedback to your buddy.

Name: Ang Peng Siang (Patrick)

Birthday: 9th Sept 1986


I had my education in Anglican High School and Temasek Junior College and I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics at the National University of Singapore (NUS). My active involvement in Co-Curriculum Activities developed much of my present character. I was an instructor in Outdoor Activities Club, a project servant in Singapore Youth for Christ and a member in the orientation committee of King Edward VII hall. I am currently in the executive committee in NUS's Varsity Christian Fellowship where there are immense opportunities to interact and engage my peers.

Warm, cheerful and confident would usually be the first impression I give others. I enjoy relating to people and I am able to allow people to be comfortable around me easily.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Reflecting on the Research Project Experience (Blog Post #5)

For this post, look at Appendix 2 of the skill builder Documenting Reports 6: Peer Review. Use the questions there as a guide for writing about one aspect of your learning experience, be that your success in teamwork, communication amongst your group, problems encountered, etc.

Honestly I felt I had a pleasant learning experience working with my group members Shaun and Matthew. The aspect of my learning experience I would be writing about is our success in teamwork.

It was a pleasant journey without
encountering any significant problems. I believe that this was due to the initial mutual understanding three of us shared with regards to the project. Whenever there is work distributed, both Shaun and Matthew would produce quality work and made much effort to go throught the various comments given to improve.

Active involvement in the project was another contributor to our success in teamwork. I am thankful to be working with Shaun as he would always be finding out the progress of the project through sms or email and giving directions on what needs to be look into. I reminded myself to be a supportive member and be positively influenced by his active involvement. His perfectionist attitude came across demanding at times but I learned to see it as a reminder for myself not to settle for anything lesser than the best especially when I am capable of it.

Clear communication played a vital role in ensuring things get done. I do not remember any moment where we were unsure of what was expected from each of us. We were also able to communicate our constrains like other term tests and projects and able to work around these restrictions. The work was quite well distributed and there was not a lot of last minute work we had to rush.

This experience became an evidence displaying the vital importance of the factors above. While I seek to bring these points into my next project group, I acknowledge that these are merely ideals and there would be a need to manage expectations whenever a group of people come together.